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A.5.4 Attributes of Fixed Point Types
Static Semantics
attributes (of a fixed point subtype)} The
representation-oriented attributes are defined for every
subtype S of a fixed point type
- S'Machine_Radix
Yields the radix of the hardware
representation of the type T. The value of this attribute is of
the type universal_integer.
- S'Machine_Rounds
Yields the value True if rounding
is performed on inexact results of every predefined operation that yields
a result of the type T; yields the value False otherwise. The
value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean.
- S'Machine_Overflows
Yields the value True if overflow
and divide-by-zero are detected and reported by raising Constraint_Error
for every predefined operation that yields a result of the type T;
yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the
predefined type Boolean.
Incompatibilities With Ada 83
{incompatibilities with Ada
83} The Mantissa, Large, Safe_Small, and Safe_Large
attributes of fixed point types are removed from the language.
Implementations are encouraged
to eliminate the resulting incompatibility by retaining these attributes,
during a transition period, in the form of implementation-defined attributes
with their former values.
Extensions to Ada 83
{extensions to Ada 83}
The Machine_Radix attribute is now allowed for fixed
point types. It is also specifiable in an attribute definition clause
(see F.1).
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