ACATS 3.0 User's Guide
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4.1 Structure

The ACATS 3.0 test software includes test code that exercises specific Ada features, foundation code (used by multiple tests), support code (used to generate test results), and tool code (used to build tools necessary to customize ACATS tests). The suite includes tests for the core language and tests for the Specialized Needs Annexes. The following table summarizes the number of tests and files in the ACATS suite.
TotalCore TestsSNA TestsFoundationsDocsOther
Number of Files466041392485016922
Number of Tests37713581190000
Others consists of:
1List of all files
14Code that is referenced by tests
3Code and data used for preprocessing tests to insert implementation specific information
4Test routines for reporting code ("CZ" tests)
The delivery structure of the test suite is described in Section 4.7.

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