ACATS 3.0 User's Guide
4.2.3 Class C
Class C tests check that executable constructs are
implemented correctly and produce expected results. These tests are expected
to compile, bind, execute and report "PASSED" or "NOT-APPLICABLE".
Each class C test reports "PASSED", "NOT-APPLICABLE",
or "FAILED" based on the results of the conditions tested.
An implementation passes a class C test if it compiles,
binds, executes, and reports "PASSED". It fails if it does
not successfully compile or bind, if it fails to complete execution (hangs
or crashes), if the reported result is "FAILED", or if it does
not produce a complete output report.
The tests CZ1101A, CZ1102A, CZ1103A, and CZ00004
are treated separately, as described in Section