ACATS 3.0 User's Guide Decompressing Unix Compress Files
All ACATS files have
been included in 1 Unix tar format file and then compressed using the
Unix compress utility. To create a set of ACATS files, first copy the
compressed files acats_30.tar.Z from the distribution source to a hard
drive. Uncompress the file with the Unix command
uncompress acats_30.tar.Z
(Note that particular
Unix implementations may have different formats or require specific qualifiers.)
After the ACATS file has been uncompressed, it must be untarred. Move
to the directory where you want the acats3_0 directory to be created
and then untar the ACATS files
tar -xvf <path>/acats_30.tar
where <path> is the location of the uncompressed
tar file.
Please note that these are generic instructions and
may need to be customized or modified for specific systems.