ACATS 3.0 User's Guide A22006C
This test checks that
format effectors can appear at the beginning of a compilation. At the
beginning of the file, the first line is empty (indicated by the system's
end-of-line marker, which may be a sequence of one or more characters
or may be indicated by some other means). The second line contains 20
characters: 6 control characters followed by the comment delimiter, a
space, and the file name (A22006C.ADA). The control characters are:
Common Name | Ada Name | Decimal
Value | Hex Value
Carriage return | ASCII.CR | 13 | 0D
Carriage return | ASCII.CR | 13 | 0D
Vertical tab | ASCII.VT | 11 | 0B
Line feed | ASCII.LF | 10 | 0A
Line feed | ASCII.LF | 10 | 0A
Form feed | ASCII.FF | 12 | 0C