ACATS 3.0 User's Guide
5.2 Tailoring the ACATS Test Suite
There are some files in the delivery that require
modification before ACATS 3.0 is ready for processing by an Ada implementation.
Package ImpDef (impdef.a) must be edited to include values suitable for
proper testing of an implementation if the defaults are not acceptable.
The macros.dfs file must similarly be edited to include values suitable
for testing. All .tst files (including package Spprt13 (spprt13s.tst))
must have their macro symbols replaced by implementation specific values.
A body for FcnDecl (fcndecl.ada) must be provided if necessary. Finally,
Package Report (repbody.ada) must be modified if necessary.
The required customization is described in the following
Customizations of these files from previous versions
of the ACATS suite generally can be used with ACATS 3.0, but users should
ensure that neither their requirements nor the underlying files have
changed since the customizations were made.