ACATS 3.0 User's Guide
5.2.3 Packages SPPRT13 and FCNDECL
Package SPPRT13 declares six constants of type System.Address
that are primarily used by tests of Section 13 features. It is in the
file spprt13s.tst. As distributed, the package uses macro symbols
that must be replaced. In most cases, the substitution can be accomplished
by the macro substitution described in the preceding section. If appropriate
literals, constants, or predefined function calls can be used to initialize
these constants, they should be supplied in macro.dfs. Otherwise,
the package FCNDECL must be modified.
implementations should verify that package SPPRT13 can be properly customized
using the macro substitution technique. Note that a body for SPPRT13
is illegal, nor is it allowed to add declarations to package SPPRT13.
The specification for package FCNDECL is in the file
fcndecl.ada. SPPRT13 depends on FCNDECL (in a context clause
that both withs it and uses it). As supplied with the ACATS,
FCNDECL is an empty package specification. If appropriate literals, constants,
or predefined function calls cannot be used to customize the constants
declared in SPPRT13, the implementer must declare appropriate functions
in the specification of FCNDECL and provide bodies for them in a package
body or with a pragma Import.
Modifications to FCNDECL must receive advance approval
from the ACAL (and, if necessary, the ACAA) before use in a conformity