ACATS 3.0 User's Guide
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B.3 Package ImpDef and Its Children

The package ImpDef (for "Implementation Definitions") provides constants and functions for producing implementation-specific values required by certain test programs. This package resides in the file ImpDef.a in the "support" directory. Four child packages are also included in the "support" directory, each providing the means for producing implementation-specific values required by certain test programs for a particular Specialized Needs Annex. These packages have names of the form ImpDef.Annex_X, and reside in files with names of the form ImpDefX.a, where 'X' is replaced by the letter designating the relevant Annex.
The ImpDef package and each of its children should be modified for each implementation as described in the source code. The following excerpt from the "ImpDef.a" file illustrates how these modification points are indicated in the packages.
package ImpDef is
   -- The following boolean constants indicate whether this validation will
   -- include any of annexes C-H. The values of these booleans affect the
   -- behavior of the test result reporting software.
   --    True  means the associated annex IS included in the validation.
   --    False means the associated annex is NOT included.
   Validating_Annex_C : constant Boolean := False;
   --                                       ^^^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED
   Validating_Annex_D : constant Boolean := False;
   --                                       ^^^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED
   Validating_Annex_E : constant Boolean := False;
   --                                       ^^^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED
   Validating_Annex_F : constant Boolean := False;
   --                                       ^^^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED
   Validating_Annex_G : constant Boolean := False;
   --                                       ^^^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED
   Validating_Annex_H : constant Boolean := False;
   --                                       ^^^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED
   -- This is the minimum time required to allow another task to get
   -- control.  It is expected that the task is on the Ready queue.
   -- A duration of 0.0 would normally be sufficient but some number
   -- greater than that is expected.
   Minimum_Task_Switch : constant Duration := 0.1;
   --                                         ^^^ --- MODIFY HERE AS NEEDED

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