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 4.1.5 User-Defined References

Static Semantics

{AI05-0139-2} Given a discriminated type T, the following type-related operational aspect may be specified:

This aspect is specified by a name that denotes an access discriminant declared for the type T.
Aspect Description for Implicit_Dereference: Mechanism for user-defined implicit .all.
{AI05-0139-2} A (view of a) type with a specified Implicit_Dereference aspect is a reference type. A reference object is an object of a reference type. The discriminant named by the Implicit_Dereference aspect is the reference discriminant of the reference type or reference object. [A generalized_reference is a name that identifies a reference object, and denotes the object or subprogram designated by the reference discriminant of the reference object.]


{AI05-0139-2} generalized_reference ::= reference_object_name

Name Resolution Rules

{AI05-0139-2} The expected type for the reference_object_name in a generalized_reference is expected to be of any reference type. 

Static Semantics

{AI05-0139-2} A generalized_reference denotes a view equivalent to that of a dereference of the reference discriminant of the reference object.
{AI05-0139-2} Given a reference type T, the Implicit_Dereference aspect is inherited by descendants of type T if not overridden. If a descendant type constrains the value of the reference discriminant of T by a new discriminant, that new discriminant is the reference discriminant of the descendant. [If the descendant type constrains the value of the reference discriminant of T by an expression other than the name of a new discriminant, a generalized_reference that identifies an object of the descendant type denotes the object or subprogram designated by the value of this constraining expression.]

Dynamic Semantics

{AI05-0139-2} The evaluation of a generalized_reference consists of the evaluation of the reference_object_name and a determination of the object or subprogram designated by the reference discriminant of the named reference object. A check is made that the value of the reference discriminant is not the null access value. Constraint_Error is raised if this check fails. The generalized_reference denotes the object or subprogram designated by the value of the reference discriminant of the named reference object.


{AI05-0139-2} type Ref_Element(Data : access Element) is
   new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private
      with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
        -- This Ref_Element type is a "reference" type.
        -- "Data" is its reference discriminant.
function Find(C : access Container; Key : String) return Ref_Element;
   -- Return a reference to an element of a container
Find(C, "abc") := Element'(...);  -- Assign through a reference
-- This is equivalent to:
--   Find(C, "abc").Data.all := Element'(...);

Extensions to Ada 2005

{AI05-0139-2} The aspect Implicit_Dereference and the generalized_reference are new. 

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