Lady Ada

Ada '83 Language Reference Manual

Copyright 1980, 1982, 1983 owned by the United States Government. Direct reproduction and usage requests to the Ada Information Clearinghouse.

12.4. Example of a Generic Package


The following example provides a possible formulation of stacks by means of a generic package. The size of each stack and the type of the stack elements are provided as generic parameters.

       type ITEM is private;
    package STACK is
       procedure PUSH(E : in  ITEM);
       procedure POP (E : out ITEM);
       OVERFLOW, UNDERFLOW : exception;
    end STACK; 

    package body STACK is 

       type TABLE is array (POSITIVE range <>) of ITEM;
       SPACE : TABLE(1 .. SIZE);
       INDEX : NATURAL := 0; 

       procedure PUSH(E : in ITEM) is
          if INDEX >= SIZE then
             raise OVERFLOW;
          end if;
          INDEX := INDEX + 1;
          SPACE(INDEX) := E;
       end PUSH; 

       procedure POP(E : out ITEM) is
          if INDEX = 0 then
             raise UNDERFLOW;
          end if;
          E := SPACE(INDEX);
          INDEX := INDEX - 1;
       end POP; 

    end STACK; 

Instances of this generic package can be obtained as follows:

    package STACK_INT  is new STACK(SIZE => 200, ITEM => INTEGER);
    package STACK_BOOL is new STACK(100, BOOLEAN);

Thereafter, the procedures of the instantiated packages can be called as follows:


Alternatively, a generic formulation of the type STACK can be given as follows (package body omitted):

       type ITEM is private;
    package ON_STACKS is
       type STACK(SIZE : POSITIVE) is limited private;
       procedure PUSH(S : in out STACK; E : in  ITEM);
       procedure POP (S : in out STACK; E : out ITEM);
       OVERFLOW, UNDERFLOW : exception;
       type TABLE is array (POSITIVE range <>) of ITEM;
       type STACK(SIZE : POSITIVE) is
             SPACE : TABLE(1 .. SIZE);
             INDEX : NATURAL := 0;
          end record;

In order to use such a package, an instantiation must be created and thereafter stacks of the corresponding type can be declared:

       package STACK_REAL is new ON_STACKS(REAL); use STACK_REAL;
       S : STACK(100)
       PUSH(S, 2.54);

Rationale references: 12.3.3 A Generic Package with Tasks, 12.3.4 A More Complicated Example


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