This postscript is not part of the standard definition of the Ada programming language.
For submission of comments on this standard Ada reference manual, we would appreciate them being sent by Arpanet to the address
Ada-Comment at ECLB
If you do not have Arpanet access, please send the comments by mail
Ada Joint Program Office Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering Washington, DC 20301 United States of America.
For mail comments, it will assist us if you are able to send them on 8-inch single-sided single-density IBM format diskette - but even if you can manage this, please also send us a paper copy, in case of problems with reading the diskette.
All comments are sorted and processed mechanically in order to simplify their analysis and to facilitate giving them proper consideration. To aid this process you are kindly requested to precede each comment with a three line header
!section ... !version 1983 !topic ...
The section line includes the section number, the paragraph number enclosed in parentheses, your name or affiliation (or both), and the date in ISO standard form (year-month-day). The paragraph number is the one given in the margin of the paper form of this document (it is not contained in the ECLB files); paragraph numbers are optional, but very helpful. As an example, here is the section line of comment #1194 on a previous version:
!section 03.02.01(12) D. Taffs 82-04-26
The version line, for comments on the current standard, should only contain "!version 1983". Its purpose is to distinguish comments that refer to different versions.
The topic line should contain a one line summary of the comment. This line is essential, and you are kindly asked to avoid topics such as "Typo" or "Editorial comment" which will not convey any information when printed in a table of contents. As an example of an informative topic line consider:
!topic Subcomponents of constants are constants
Note also that nothing prevents the topic line from including all the information of a comment, as in the following topic line:
!topic Insert: "... are {implicitly} defined by a subtype declaration"
As a final example here is a complete comment received on a prior version of this manual:
!section 03.02.01(12) D. Taffs 82-04-26 !version 10 !topic Subcomponents of constants are constants Change "component" to "subcomponent" in the last sentence. Otherwise the statement is inconsistent with the defined use of subcomponent in 3.3, which says that subcomponents are excluded when the term component is used instead of subcomponent.
Address any questions or comments to