Style Guide references: 3.4.1 Declaring Types, 5.7.1 The Use Clause, 6.1.5 Delay Statements, 7.1.1 Global Assumptions, 7.1.6 Implementation-Added Features, 7.2.1 Predefined Numeric Types, 7.5.1 Predefined Exceptions, 7.5.2 Constraint_Error and Numeric_Error, 7.6.3 Machine Code Inserts
This annex outlines the specification of the package STANDARD containing all predefined identifiers in the language. The corresponding package body is implementation-defined and is not shown.
The operators that are predefined for the types declared in the package STANDARD are given in comments since they are implicitly declared. Italics are used for pseudo-names of anonymous types (such as universal_real) and for undefined information (such as implementation_defined and any_fixed_point_type).
package STANDARD is type BOOLEAN is (FALSE, TRUE); -- The predefined relational operators for this type are as follows: -- function "=" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function "/=" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<=" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">=" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- The predefined logical operators and the predefined logical negation operator are as follows: -- function "and" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function "or" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function "xor" (LEFT, RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- function "not" (RIGHT : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN; -- The universal type universal_integer is predefined. type INTEGER is implementation_defined; -- The predefined operators for this type are as follows: -- function "=" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- function "/=" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<=" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">=" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- function "+" (RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "-" (RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "abs" (RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "+" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "-" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "/" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "rem" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "mod" (LEFT, RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- function "**" (LEFT : INTEGER; RIGHT : INTEGER) return INTEGER; -- An implementation may provide additional predefined integer types. -- It is recommended that the names of such additional types end with -- INTEGER as in SHORT_INTEGER or LONG_INTEGER. The specification of -- each operator for the type universal_integer, or for any additional -- predefined integer type, is obtained by replacing INTEGER by -- the name of the type in the specification of the corresponding -- operator of the type INTEGER, except for the right operand of the -- exponentiating operator. -- The universal type universal_real is predefined. type FLOAT is implementation_defined; -- The predefined operators for this type are as follows: -- function "=" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return BOOLEAN; -- function "/=" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<=" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">=" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return BOOLEAN; -- function "+" (RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "-" (RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "abs" (RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "+" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "-" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "/" (LEFT, RIGHT : FLOAT) return FLOAT; -- function "**" (LEFT : FLOAT; RIGHT : INTEGER) return FLOAT; -- An implementation may provide additional predefined floating point -- point types. It is recommended that the names of such additional -- types end with FLOAT as in SHORT_FLOAT or LONG_FLOAT. The -- specification of each operator for the type universal_real, or for -- any additional predefined floating point type, is obtained by -- replacing FLOAT by the name of the type in the specification of the -- corresponding operator of the type FLOAT. -- In addition, the following operators are predefined for universal types: -- function "*" (LEFT : universal_integer; RIGHT : universal_real) return universal_real; -- function "*" (LEFT : universal_real; RIGHT : universal_integer) return universal_real; -- function "/" (LEFT : universal_real; RIGHT : universal_integer) return universal_real; -- The type universal_fixed is predefined. The only operators declared for this type are -- function "*" (LEFT : any_fixed_point_type; RIGHT : any_fixed_point_type) return universal_fixed; -- function "/" (LEFT : any_fixed_point_type; RIGHT : any_fixed_point_type) return universal_fixed; -- The following characters form the standard ASCII character set. set. Character literals -- corresponding to control characters are not identifiers; they are indicated in italics in this definition. type CHARACTER is (nul, soh, stx, etx, eot, enq, ack, bel, bs, ht, lf, vt, ff, cr, so, si, dle, dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4, nak, syn, etb, can, em, sub, esc, fs, gs, rs, us, ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', ''', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\', ']', '~', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', del); for CHARACTER use -- 128 ASCII character set without holes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 125, 126, 127); -- The predefined operators for the type CHARACTER are the same as for any enumeration type. package ASCII is -- Control characters: NUL : constant CHARACTER := nul; SOH : constant CHARACTER := soh: STX : constant CHARACTER := stx; ETX : constant CHARACTER := etx; EOT : constant CHARACTER := eot; ENQ : constant CHARACTER := enq: ACK : constant CHARACTER := ack; BEL : constant CHARACTER := bel; BS : constant CHARACTER := bs; HT : constant CHARACTER := ht; LF : constant CHARACTER := lf; VT : constant CHARACTER := vt; FF : constant CHARACTER := ff; CR : constant CHARACTER := cr; SO : constant CHARACTER := so; SI : constant CHARACTER := si; DLE : constant CHARACTER := dle; DC1 : constant CHARACTER := dc1; DC2 : constant CHARACTER := dc2; DC3 : constant CHARACTER := dc3; DC4 : constant CHARACTER := dc4; NAK : constant CHARACTER := nak; SYN : constant CHARACTER := syn; ETB : constant CHARACTER := etb; CAN : constant CHARACTER := can; EM : constant CHARACTER := em: SUB : constant CHARACTER := sub; ESC : constant CHARACTER := esc; FS : constant CHARACTER := fs; GS : constant CHARACTER := gs; RS : constant CHARACTER := rs; US : constant CHARACTER := us; DEL : constant CHARACTER := del; -- Other characters: EXCLAM : constant CHARACTER := '!'; QUOTATION : constant CHARACTER := '"'; SHARP : constant CHARACTER := '#'; DOLLAR : constant CHARACTER := '$'; PERCENT : constant CHARACTER := '%'; AMPERSAND : constant CHARACTER := '&'; COLON : constant CHARACTER := ':'; SEMICOLON : constant CHARACTER := ';'; QUERY : constant CHARACTER := '?'; AT_SIGN : constant CHARACTER := '@'; L_BRACKET: constant CHARACTER := '['; BACK_SLASH: constant CHARACTER := '\'; R_BRACKET: constant CHARACTER := ']'; CIRCUMFLEX: constant CHARACTER := '~'; UNDERLINE: constant CHARACTER := '_'; GRAVE : constant CHARACTER := '`'; L_BRACE : constant CHARACTER := '{'; BAR : constant CHARACTER := '|'; R_BRACE : constant CHARACTER := '}'; TILDE : constant CHARACTER := '~'; -- Lower case letters: LC_A : constant CHARACTER := 'a'; ... LC_Z : constant CHARACTER := 'z'; end ASCII; -- Predefined subtypes: subtype NATURAL is INTEGER range 0 .. INTEGER'LAST; subtype POSITIVE is INTEGER range 1 .. INTEGER'LAST; -- Predefined string type: type STRING is array(POSITIVE range <>) of CHARACTER; pragma PACK(STRING); -- The predefined operators for this type are as follows: -- function "=" (LEFT, RIGHT : STRING) return BOOLEAN; -- function "/=" (LEFT, RIGHT : STRING) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<" (LEFT, RIGHT : STRING) return BOOLEAN; -- function "<=" (LEFT, RIGHT : STRING) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">" (LEFT, RIGHT : STRING) return BOOLEAN; -- function ">=" (LEFT, RIGHT : STRING) return BOOLEAN; -- function "&" (LEFT : STRING; RIGHT : STRING) return STRING; -- function "&" (LEFT : CHARACTER; RIGHT : STRING) return STRING; -- function "&" (LEFT : STRING; RIGHT : CHARACTER) return STRING; -- function "&" (LEFT : CHARACTER; RIGHT : CHARACTER) return STRING; type DURATION is delta implementation_defined range implementation_defined; -- The predefined operators for the type DURATION are the same as for any fixed point type. -- The predefined exceptions: CONSTRAINT_ERROR : exception; NUMERIC_ERROR : exception; PROGRAM_ERROR : exception; STORAGE_ERROR : exception; TASKING_ERROR : exception;
Certain aspects of the predefined entities cannot be completely described in the language itself. For example, although the enumeration type BOOLEAN can be written showing the two enumeration literals FALSE and TRUE, the short-circuit control forms cannot be expressed in the language.
The language definition predefines the following library units:
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