Lady Ada

Ada '83 Language Reference Manual

Copyright 1980, 1982, 1983 owned by the United States Government. Direct reproduction and usage requests to the Ada Information Clearinghouse.

2.10. Allowable Replacements of Characters


The following replacements are allowed for the vertical bar, sharp, and quotation basic characters:

These replacements do not change the meaning of the program.


It is recommended that use of the replacements for the vertical bar, sharp, and quotation characters be restricted to cases where the corresponding graphical symbols are not available. Note that the vertical bar appears as a broken bar on some equipment; replacement is not recommended in this case.

The rules given for identifiers and numeric literals are such that lower case and upper case letters can be used indifferently; these lexical elements can thus be written using only characters of the basic character set. If a string literal of the predefined type STRING contains characters that are not in the basic character set, the same sequence of character values can be obtained by catenating string literals that contain only characters of the basic character set with suitable character constants declared in the predefined package ASCII. Thus the string literal "AB$CD" could be replaced by "AB" & ASCII.DOLLAR & "CD". Similarly, the string literal "ABcd" with lower case letters could be replaced by "AB" & ASCII.LC_C & ASCII.LC_D.

References: package, based literal, basic character, catenation operation, character value, delimiter, graphic character, graphical symbol, identifier, lexical element, lower case letter, numeric literal, string bracket, string literal, upper case letter.

Rationale references: 2.2 Textual Structure


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