Safe interval 4.5.7 (4.5.7) Safe number (of a real type) 3.5.6 (3.5.6); 4.5.7 (4.5.7) [see also: model number, real type representation attribute, real type] limit to the result of a real operation 4.5.7 (4.5.7) of a fixed point type 3.5.9 (3.5.9); 3.5.10 (3.5.10) of a floating point type 3.5.7 (3.5.7); 3.5.8 (3.5.8) result of universal expression too large 4.10 (4.10) SAFE_EMAX (predefined attribute) 3.5.8 (3.5.8); A (A) SAFE_LARGE (predefined attribute) 3.5.8 (3.5.8), 3.5.10 (3.5.10); A (A) SAFE_SMALL (predefined attribute) 3.5.8 (3.5.8), 3.5.10 (3.5.10); A (A) Satisfy (a constraint) 3.3 (3.3); D (D) [see also: constraint, subtype] a discriminant constraint 3.7.2 (3.7.2) an index constraint 3.6.1 (3.6.1) a range constraint 3.5 (3.5) Scalar type 3.3 (3.3), 3.5 (3.5); D (D) [see also: class of type, discrete type, enumeration type, fixed point type, floating point type, integer type, numeric type, real type, static Expression] as a generic parameter 12.1.2 (12.1.2), 12.3.3 (12.3.3) formal parameter 6.2 (6.2) of a range in a membership test 4.5.2 (4.5.2) operation 3.5.5 (3.5.5); 4.5.2 (4.5.2) Scheduling 9.8 (9.8); 13.5.1 (13.5.1) Scheme [see: iteration scheme] Scope 8.2 (8.2); 8.3 (8.3), D (D) [see also: basic operation, character literal, declaration, declarative region, generic instance, identifier, immediate scope, implicit declaration, operator symbol, overloading, visibility] of a use clause 8.4 (8.4) Secondary unit 10.1 (10.1) [see also: compilation unit, library unit] compiled after the corresponding library unit or parent unit 10.3 (10.3) subject to pragma elaborate 10.5 (10.5) SECONDS (predefined function) 9.6 (9.6) Select alternative (of a selective wait) 9.7.1 (9.7.1) Select statement 9.7 (9.7); 9.7.1 (9.7.1), 9.7.2 (9.7.2), 9.7.3 (9.7.3) [see also: statement, task, terminate alternative] as a compound statement 5.1 (5.1) in an abnormal task 9.10 (9.10) Selected component 4.1.3 (4.1.3); 8.3 (8.3), D (D) [see also: direct visibility, prefix, selector, visibility by selection, visibility] as a basic operation 3.3.3 (3.3.3); 3.3 (3.3), 3.7.4 (3.7.4), 3.8.2 (3.8.2), 7.4.2 (7.4.2) as a name 4.1 (4.1) as the name of an entry or entry family 9.5 (9.5) for selective visibility 8.3 (8.3) in a conforming construct 6.3.1 (6.3.1) starting with standard 8.6 (8.6) using a block name 5.6 (5.6) using a loop name 5.5 (5.5) whose prefix denotes a package 8.3 (8.3) whose prefix denotes a record object 8.3 (8.3) whose prefix denotes a task object 8.3 (8.3) Selection of an exception handler 11.4 (11.4), 11.4.1 (11.4.1), 11.4.2 (11.4.2); 11.6 (11.6) Selective visibility [see: visibility by selection] Selective wait 9.7.1 (9.7.1); 9.7 (9.7) [see also: terminate alternative] accepting a conditional entry call 9.7.2 (9.7.2) accepting a timed entry call 9.7.3 (9.7.3) raising program_error 11.1 (11.1) Selector 4.1.3 (4.1.3); D (D) [see also: prefix, selected component] Semicolon character 2.1 (2.1) Semicolon delimiter 2.2 (2.2) followed by a pragma 2.8 (2.8) SEND_CONTROL (low_level_io procedure) 14.6 (14.6) Separate compilation 10 (10), 10.1 (10.1); 10.5 (10.5) of a proper body 3.9 (3.9) of a proper body declared in another compilation unit 10.2 (10.2) Separator 2.2 (2.2) Sequence of statements 5.1 (5.1) in an accept statement 9.5 (9.5) in a basic loop 5.5 (5.5) in a block statement 5.6 (5.6); 9.4 (9.4) in a case statement alternative 5.4 (5.4) in a conditional entry call 9.7.2 (9.7.2) in an exception handler 11.2 (11.2) in an if statement 5.3 (5.3) in a package body 7.1 (7.1); 7.3 (7.3) in a selective wait statement 9.7.1 (9.7.1) in a subprogram body 6.3 (6.3); 9.4 (9.4), 13.8 (13.8) in a task body 9.1 (9.1); 9.4 (9.4) in a timed entry call 9.7.3 (9.7.3) including a raise statement 11.3 (11.3) of code statements 13.8 (13.8) raising an exception 11.4.1 (11.4.1) Sequential access file 14.2 (14.2); 14.1 (14.1), 14.2.1 (14.2.1) Sequential execution [see: sequence of statements, statement] Sequential input-output 14.2.2 (14.2.2); 14.2.1 (14.2.1) SEQUENTIAL_IO (predefined input-output generic package) 14.2 (14.2), 14.2.2 (14.2.2); 14 (14), 14.1 (14.1), 14.2.3 (14.2.3), C (C) exceptions 14.4 (14.4); 14.5 (14.5) specification 14.2.3 (14.2.3) SET_COL (text_io procedure) 14.3.4 (14.3.4); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) SET_INDEX (input-output procedure) in an instance of direct_io 14.2.4 (14.2.4); 14.2.5 (14.2.5) SET_INPUT (text_io procedure) 14.3.2 (14.3.2); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) raising an exception 14.4 (14.4) SET_LINE (text_io procedure) 14.3.4 (14.3.4); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) SET_LINE_LENGTH (text_io procedure) 14.3.3 (14.3.3); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) raising an exception 14.4 (14.4) SET_OUTPUT (text_io procedure) 14.3.2 (14.3.2); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) raising an exception 14.4 (14.4) SET_PAGE_LENGTH (text_io procedure) 14.3.3 (14.3.3); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) raising an exception 14.4 (14.4) SHARED (predefined pragma) 9.11 (9.11); B (B) Shared variable (of two tasks) 9.11 (9.11) [see also: task] Sharp character 2.1 (2.1) [see also: based literal] replacement by colon character 2.10 (2.10) Short circuit control form 4.5 (4.5), 4.5.1 (4.5.1); 4.4 (4.4) as a basic operation 3.3.3 (3.3.3); 3.5.5 (3.5.5) in an expression 4.4 (4.4) SHORT_FLOAT (predefined type) 3.5.7 (3.5.7); C (C) SHORT_INTEGER (predefined type) 3.5.4 (3.5.4); C (C) Sign of a fixed point number 3.5.9 (3.5.9) Sign of a floating point number 3.5.7 (3.5.7) Significant decimal digits 3.5.7 (3.5.7) Simple expression 4.4 (4.4) as a choice 3.7.3 (3.7.3) as a choice in an aggregate 4.3 (4.3) as a range bound 3.5 (3.5) for an entry index in an accept statement 9.5 (9.5) in an address clause 13.5 (13.5) in a delay statement 9.6 (9.6) in a fixed accuracy definition 3.5.9 (3.5.9) in a floating accuracy definition 3.5.7 (3.5.7) in a record representation clause 13.4 (13.4) in a relation 4.4 (4.4) Simple name 4.1 (4.1); 2.3 (2.3), D (D) [see also: block name, identifier, label, loop name, loop simple name, name, overloading, visibility] as a choice 3.7.3 (3.7.3) as a formal parameter 6.4 (6.4) as a label 5.1 (5.1) as a name 4.1 (4.1) before arrow compound delimiter 8.3 (8.3) in an accept statement 9.5 (9.5) in an address clause 13.5 (13.5) in an attribute designator 4.1.4 (4.1.4) in a conforming construct 6.3.1 (6.3.1) in a discriminant association 3.7.2 (3.7.2) in an enumeration representation clause 13.3 (13.3) in a package body 7.1 (7.1) in a selector 4.1.3 (4.1.3) in a suppress pragma 11.7 (11.7) in a task body 9.1 (9.1) in a variant part 3.7.3 (3.7.3) in a with clause 10.1.1 (10.1.1) versus identifier 3.1 (3.1) Simple statement 5.1 (5.1) [see also: statement] SIZE (input-output function) in an instance of direct_io 14.2.4 (14.2.4); 14.2.5 (14.2.5) SIZE (predefined attribute) 13.7.2 (13.7.2); A (A) [see also: storage bits] specified by a length clause 13.2 (13.2) SKIP_LINE (text_io procedure) 14.3.4 (14.3.4); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) raising an exception 14.4 (14.4) SKIP_PAGE (text_io procedure) 14.3.4 (14.3.4); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) raising an exception 14.4 (14.4) Slice 4.1.2 (4.1.2) [see also: array type] as a basic operation 3.3.3 (3.3.3); 3.6.2 (3.6.2), 3.8.2 (3.8.2) as a name 4.1 (4.1) as destination of an assignment 5.2.1 (5.2.1) of a constant 3.2.1 (3.2.1) of a derived type 3.4 (3.4) of an object as an object 3.2 (3.2) of a value of a generic formal array type 12.1.2 (12.1.2) of a variable 3.2.1 (3.2.1) starting with a prefix 4.1 (4.1), 4.1.2 (4.1.2) SMALL (predefined attribute) 3.5.8 (3.5.8), 3.5.10 (3.5.10); A (A) [see also: fixed point type] specified by a length clause 13.2 (13.2) Small of a fixed point number 3.5.9 (3.5.9) Some order not defined by the language [see: incorrect order dependence] Space character 2.1 (2.1) [see also: basic graphic character] as a separator 2.2 (2.2) in a comment 2.7 (2.7) not allowed in an identifier 2.3 (2.3) not allowed in a numeric literal 2.4.1 (2.4.1) Space character literal 2.5 (2.5); 2.2 (2.2) Special character 2.1 (2.1) [see also: basic graphic character, other special character] in a delimiter 2.2 (2.2) Specification [see: declaration, discriminant specification, enumeration literal specification, generic specification, loop parameter specification, package specification, parameter specification, subprogram specification, task specification] STANDARD (predefined package) 8.6 (8.6); C (C) [see also: library unit] as a declarative region 8.1 (8.1) enclosing the library units of a program 10.1.1 (10.1.1); 10.1 (10.1), 10.2 (10.2) including implicit declarations of fixed point cross-multiplication and cross-division 4.5.5 (4.5.5) STANDARD_INPUT (text_io function) 14.3.2 (14.3.2); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) STANDARD_OUTPUT (text_io function) 14.3.2 (14.3.2); 14.3.10 (14.3.10) Star [see: double star] character 2.1 (2.1) delimiter 2.2 (2.2) Statement 5.1 (5.1); 5 (5), D (D) [see also: abort statement, accept statement, address attribute, assignment statement, block statement, case statement, code statement, compound statement, delay statement, entry call statement, exit statement, goto statement, if statement, label, loop statement, null statement, procedure call statement, raise statement, return statement, select statement, sequence of statements, simple statement, target statement] allowed in an exception handler 11.2 (11.2) as an overload resolution context 8.7 (8.7) optimized 10.6 (10.6) raising an exception 11.4.1 (11.4.1); 11.4 (11.4) that cannot be reached 10.6 (10.6) Statement alternative [see: case statement alternative] Static constraint 4.9 (4.9) on a subcomponent subject to a component clause 13.4 (13.4) on a type 3.5.4 (3.5.4), 3.5.7 (3.5.7), 3.5.9 (3.5.9), 13.2 (13.2) Static discrete range 4.9 (4.9) as a choice of an aggregate 4.3.2 (4.3.2) as a choice of a case statement 5.4 (5.4) as a choice of a variant part 3.7.3 (3.7.3) Static expression 4.9 (4.9); 8.7 (8.7) as a bound in an integer type definition 3.5.4 (3.5.4) as a choice in a case statement 5.4 (5.4) as a choice of a variant part 3.7.3 (3.7.3) for a choice in a record aggregate 4.3.2 (4.3.2) for a discriminant in a record aggregate 4.3.1 (4.3.1) in an attribute designator 4.1.4 (4.1.4) in an enumeration representation clause 13.3 (13.3) in a fixed accuracy definition 3.5.9 (3.5.9) in a floating accuracy definition 3.5.7 (3.5.7) in a generic unit 12.1 (12.1) in a length clause 13.2 (13.2) in a number declaration 3.2 (3.2), 3.2.2 (3.2.2) in a record representation clause 13.4 (13.4) in priority pragma 9.8 (9.8) whose type is a universal type 4.10 (4.10) Static others choice 4.3.2 (4.3.2) Static subtype 4.9 (4.9) of a discriminant 3.7.3 (3.7.3) of the expression in a case statement 5.4 (5.4) STATUS_ERROR (input-output exception) 14.4 (14.4); 14.2.1 (14.2.1), 14.2.2 (14.2.2), 14.2.3 (14.2.3), 14.2.4 (14.2.4), 14.2.5 (14.2.5), 14.3.3 (14.3.3), 14.3.4 (14.3.4), 14.3.5 (14.3.5), 14.3.10 (14.3.10), 14.5 (14.5) Storage address of a component 13.4 (13.4) [see also: address clause] Storage bits allocated to an object or type 13.2 (13.2); 13.7.2 (13.7.2) [see also: size] of a record component relative to a storage unit 13.4 (13.4) size of a storage unit 13.7 (13.7) Storage deallocation [see: unchecked_deallocation] Storage minumization [see: pack pragma] Storage reclamation 4.8 (4.8) Storage representation of a record 13.4 (13.4) Storage unit 13.7 (13.7) offset to the start of a record component 13.4 (13.4) size of a storage unit in bits 13.7 (13.7) Storage units allocated [see: storage_size] to a collection 13.2 (13.2); 4.8 (4.8), 11.1 (11.1), 13.7.2 (13.7.2) to a task activation 13.2 (13.2); 9.9 (9.9), 11.1 (11.1), 13.7.2 (13.7.2) Storage_check [see: program_error exception, suppress] STORAGE_ERROR (predefined exception) 11.1 (11.1) raised by an allocator exceeding the allocated storage 4.8 (4.8); 11.1 (11.1) raised by an elaboration of a declarative item 11.1 (11.1) raised by a task activation exceeding the allocated storage 11.1 (11.1) raised by the execution of a subprogram call 11.1 (11.1) STORAGE_SIZE (predefined attribute) 13.7.2 (13.7.2); A (A) [see also: storage units allocated] for an access type 3.8.2 (3.8.2) for a task object or task type 9.9 (9.9) specified by a length clause 13.2 (13.2) STORAGE_UNIT (predefined named number) [see: system.storage_unit] STORAGE_UNIT (predefined pragma) 13.7 (13.7); B (B) [see also: system.storage_unit] STRING (predefined type) 3.6.3 (3.6.3); C (C) [see also: predefined type] as the parameter of value attribute 3.5.5 (3.5.5) as the result of image attribute 3.5.5 (3.5.5) String bracket 2.6 (2.6); 2.10 (2.10) String literal 2.6 (2.6), 4.2 (4.2); 2.2 (2.2), 3.6.3 (3.6.3) [see also: overloading of..., percent mark character, quotation character] as a basic operation 3.3.3 (3.3.3), 4.2 (4.2); 3.6.2 (3.6.2) as an operator symbol 6.1 (6.1) as a primary 4.4 (4.4) may not be the argument of a conversion 4.6 (4.6) replaced by a catenation of basic characters 2.10 (2.10) Stub [see: body stub] Subaggregate 4.3.2 (4.3.2) Subcomponent 3.3 (3.3); D (D) [see also: component, composite type, default expression, discriminant, object] depending on a discriminant 3.7.1 (3.7.1); 5.2 (5.2), 6.2 (6.2), 8.5 (8.5) of a component for which a component clause is given 13.4 (13.4) renamed 8.5 (8.5) that is a task object 9.2 (9.2); 9.3 (9.3) whose type is a limited type 7.4.4 (7.4.4) whose type is a private type 7.4.1 (7.4.1) Subprogram 6 (6); D (D) [see also: actual parameter, completed subprogram, derived subprogram, entry, formal parameter, function, library unit, overloading of..., parameter and result type profile, parameter, predefined subprogram, procedure, program unit] as a generic instance 12.3 (12.3); 12 (12) as a main program 10.1 (10.1) as an operation 3.3.3 (3.3.3); 7.4.2 (7.4.2) including a raise statement 11.3 (11.3) of a derived type 3.4 (3.4) overloaded 6.6 (6.6) renamed 8.5 (8.5) subject to an address clause 13.5 (13.5) subject to an inline pragma 6.3.2 (6.3.2) subject to an interface pragma 13.9 (13.9) subject to a representation clause 13.1 (13.1) subject to a suppress pragma 11.7 (11.7) with a separately compiled body 10.2 (10.2) Subprogram body 6.3 (6.3); 6 (6), D (D) [see also: body stub] as a generic body 12.2 (12.2) as a library unit 10.1 (10.1) as a proper body 3.9 (3.9) as a secondary unit 10.1 (10.1) as a secondary unit compiled after the corresponding library unit 10.3 (10.3) having dependent tasks 9.4 (9.4) in a package body 7.1 (7.1) including an exception handler 11.2 (11.2); 11 (11) including an exit statement 5.7 (5.7) including a goto statement 5.9 (5.9) including an implicit declaration 5.1 (5.1) including a return statement 5.8 (5.8) including code statements must be a procedure body 13.8 (13.8) inlined in place of each call 6.3.2 (6.3.2) must be in the same declarative part as the declaration 3.9 (3.9), 7.1 (7.1) not allowed for a subprogram subject to an interface pragma 13.9 (13.9) not yet elaborated at a call 3.9 (3.9) raising an exception 11.4.1 (11.4.1), 11.4.2 (11.4.2) recompiled 10.3 (10.3) Subprogram call 6.4 (6.4); 6 (6), 6.3 (6.3), 12.3 (12.3) [see also: actual parameter, entry call statement, entry call, function call, procedure call statement, procedure call] before elaboration of the body 3.9 (3.9), 11.1 (11.1) statement replaced by an inlining of the body 6.3.2 (6.3.2) statement with a default actual parameter 6.4.2 (6.4.2) to a derived subprogram 3.4 (3.4) to a generic instance 12 (12) Subprogram declaration 6.1 (6.1); 6 (6), D (D) and body as a declarative region 8.1 (8.1) as a basic declaration 3.1 (3.1) as a later declarative item 3.9 (3.9) as a library unit 10.1 (10.1) as an overloaded declaration 8.3 (8.3) implied by the body 6.3 (6.3), 10.1 (10.1) in a package specification 7.1 (7.1) made directly visible by a use clause 8.4 (8.4) of an operator 6.7 (6.7) recompiled 10.3 (10.3) Subprogram specification 6.1 (6.1) and forcing occurrence 13.1 (13.1) conforming to another 6.3.1 (6.3.1) for a function 6.5 (6.5) in a body stub 10.2 (10.2) in a generic declaration 12.1 (12.1); 12.1.3 (12.1.3) in a renaming declaration 8.5 (8.5) in a subprogram body 6.3 (6.3) including the name of a private type 7.4.1 (7.4.1) of a derived subprogram 3.4 (3.4) Subtraction operation 4.5.3 (4.5.3) for a real type 4.5.7 (4.5.7) Subtype 3.3 (3.3), 3.3.2 (3.3.2); D (D) [see also: attribute of..., base attribute, constrained subtype, constraint, first named subtype, operation of..., result subtype, satisfy, size attribute, static subtype, type, unconstrained subtype] declared by a numeric type declaration 3.5.4 (3.5.4), 3.5.7 (3.5.7), 3.5.9 (3.5.9) in a membership test 4.5.2 (4.5.2) name [see: name of a subtype, type_mark of a subtype] not considered in overload resolution 8.7 (8.7) of an access type 3.8 (3.8) of an actual parameter 6.4.1 (6.4.1) of an array type [see: constrained array type, index constraint] of a component of an array 3.6 (3.6) of a component of a record 3.7 (3.7) of a constant in a static expression 4.9 (4.9) of a discriminant of a generic formal type 12.3.2 (12.3.2) of a formal parameter 6.4.1 (6.4.1) of a formal parameter or result of a renamed subprogram or entry 8.5 (8.5) of a generic formal type 12.1.2 (12.1.2) of an index of a generic formal array type 12.3.4 (12.3.4) of an object [see: elaboration of...] of a private type 7.4 (7.4), 7.4.1 (7.4.1) of a real type 3.5.7 (3.5.7), 3.5.9 (3.5.9); 3.5.6 (3.5.6), 4.5.7 (4.5.7) of a record type [see: constrained record type, discriminant constraint] of a scalar type 3.5 (3.5) of a task type 9.2 (9.2) of a variable 5.2 (5.2) subject to a representation clause 13.1 (13.1) Subtype conversion 4.6 (4.6) [see also: conversion operation, explicit conversion, implicit conversion, type conversion] in an array assignment 5.2.1 (5.2.1); 5.2 (5.2) to a real type 4.5.7 (4.5.7) Subtype declaration 3.3.2 (3.3.2); 3.1 (3.1), and forcing occurrences 13.1 (13.1) as a basic declaration 3.1 (3.1) including the name of a private type 7.4.1 (7.4.1) Subtype definition [see: component subtype definition, dependence on a discriminant, index subtype definition] Subtype indication 3.3.2 (3.3.2) [see also: elaboration of...] as a component subtype indication 3.7 (3.7) as a discrete range 3.6 (3.6) for a subtype of a generic formal type 12.1.2 (12.1.2) in an access type definition 3.8 (3.8) in an allocator 4.8 (4.8) in an array type definition 3.6 (3.6) in a component declaration 3.7 (3.7) in a constrained array definition 3.6 (3.6) in a derived type definition 3.4 (3.4) in a generic formal part 12.1 (12.1) in an object declaration 3.2 (3.2), 3.2.1 (3.2.1) in an unconstrained array definition 3.6 (3.6) including a fixed point constraint 3.5.9 (3.5.9) including a floating point constraint 3.5.7 (3.5.7) with a range constraint 3.5 (3.5) Subunit 10.2 (10.2); D (D) [see also: library unit] as a compilation unit 10.4 (10.4) as a library unit 10.4 (10.4) as a secondary unit 10.1 (10.1) compiled after the corresponding parent unit 10.3 (10.3) not allowed for a subprogram subject to an interface pragma 13.9 (13.9) of a compilation unit subject to a context clause 10.1.1 (10.1.1) raising an exception 11.4.1 (11.4.1), 11.4.2 (11.4.2) recompiled (does not affect other compilation units) 10.3 (10.3) SUCC (predefined attribute) 3.5.5 (3.5.5); A (A), 13.3 (13.3) Successor [see: succ attribute] SUPPRESS (predefined pragma) 11.7 (11.7); B (B), 11.1 (11.1) Symbol [see: graphical symbol, operator symbol] Synchronization of tasks [see: task synchronization] Syntactic category 1.5 (1.5) Syntax notation 1.5 (1.5) Syntax rule 1.5 (1.5); E (E) SYSTEM (predefined library package) 13.7 (13.7); C (C), F (F) System dependent F (F) attribute 13.4 (13.4) constant 13.7 (13.7) named number 13.7 (13.7), 13.7.1 (13.7.1) record component 13.4 (13.4) type 13.7 (13.7) SYSTEM.ADDRESS (predefined type) 13.7 (13.7); 13.5 (13.5) [see also: address attribute, address clause] SYSTEM.FINE_DELTA (predefined named number) 13.7.1 (13.7.1) SYSTEM.MAX_DIGITS (predefined named number) 13.7.1 (13.7.1) limit on the significant digits of a floating point type 3.5.7 (3.5.7) SYSTEM.MAX_INT (predefined named number) 13.7.1 (13.7.1); 3.5.4 (3.5.4) exceeded by the value of a universal expression 4.10 (4.10) SYSTEM.MAX_MANTISSA (predefined named number) 13.7.1 (13.7.1) SYSTEM.MEMORY_SIZE (predefined named number) 13.7 (13.7) SYSTEM.MIN_INT (predefined named number) 13.7.1 (13.7.1); 3.5.4 (3.5.4) greater than the value of a universal expression 4.10 (4.10) SYSTEM.NAME (predefined type) 13.7 (13.7) SYSTEM.STORAGE_UNIT (predefined named number) 13.7 (13.7); 13.4 (13.4) SYSTEM.SYSTEM_NAME (predefined constant) 13.7 (13.7) [see also: system_name] SYSTEM.TICK (predefined named number) 13.7.1 (13.7.1); 9.6 (9.6) SYSTEM_NAME (predefined pragma) 13.7 (13.7); B (B) [see also: system.system_name predefined constant]
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